Maintenance - Orphaned data

The removal of certain data may leave orphaned data as shown in the image below. The removal of a specimen may leave event data without any relation to a specimen. As the access to the data is organized via projects this relation is removed as well. So orphaned data are accessible by anyone. Orphaned data may on the other hand exist due to the preparation of events for upcoming expeditions and the like. Therefore care should be taken when removing orphaned data to not remove preparations of other users. For an overview see a short tutorial .

CollectionEvents & CollectionEventSeries

The removal of orphaned event data is described in the Maintenance capters CollectionEventSeries and CollectionEvent.



Provided you have the proper rights you may remove orphaned data sets in the table Annotation. To delete annotations which are not linked to any data in the database use the tab page Orphaned data - Annotations. These orphaned data sets may e.g. be derived from specimens which were deleted. Click on the List orphaned annotations button to list all annotations and their related tables which are orphaned. The found annotations will be listed in the form. Click on the remove orphaned annotations button to remove the data.



External Identifier

As described for the annoations above you can delete orphaned external identifier in the tab Orphaned data - Identifier (see below).



As described for the annoations above you can delete orphaned internal relations in the tab Orphaned data - Relation (see below) .