
Changes within the database will be documented for each data set together with the time and the responsible user in the columns shown in the image below.

All main tables have a corresponding logging table. If you change or delete a data set, the original data set will be stored in this logging table together with information about by whom and when changes were made last.


Transfer logging table content

If space for the logging tables is limited esp. if included in regular backups, you may want to transfer a part of the content of the logging tables into a separate database, not included into regular backups. If for the first time you list the log tables in the corresponding form and the logging database is missing to far, you will be asked if this database should be created for you. Click yes to let the program create the database for you. As next step you will be asked if you want to change the storage position of the log database. By default the log database will be created in the same location as the main database. If you choose a different directory, make sure this directory exists and you have full access to it. This database will contain the content transferred from the logging tables (see image below) and get the same name as the main database extended with ..._Log.

To transfer contents of the logging tables choose Administration - Database - Transfer log from the menu. A window as shown below will open, where you can transfer parts of the content of the logging tables into the separate log database. Choose the date starting at which the data should be kept into the database. Older data will be transferred into the logging database. Then click on the   List tables  button. The logging tables together with the numbers that will be transferred resp. kept will be listed as shown below.

To transfer the content click on the  Transfer content of tables   button. A schema with the name Log_ extended with the current date will be created where the tables for the transfer of the data will be created as shown below.

The previous transfers of logging content will be listed according the created schemata as shown below. Click on the  List tables  button to see the list of tables and than a table in the list to display the content as shown below.

If data transferred into the log database must be restored, click on the   Include saved log  button. This will include all data from the Log database in the list for the restore (see below).

To provide the users that had been added to the main database after the creation of the log database access to the transferred log data, click on the  Copy user   button. This will replenish the user list in the log database. With the  Logins   button you can open the administration for the logins in the log database.