Database documentation

These are the tools to describe the parts of the database and create documentations of the structure. To use these tools, choose Administation -> Database -> Documentation ... from the menu. A window will open as shown below.

Click on the  List objects   button to list the objects of the database. With the   all  button resp.   none  button you can select resp. deselect the types in the type selection and the object in the list.

Select the objects that should be listed   all  button resp.   none  button you can select resp. deselect the types in the type selection and the object in the list.

Select the objects that should be included in the documentation:

... and exclude the objects that should not be included in the documentation:


The button  Set default seletion  will select all items in the list without:

The buttons   Add to seletion    and    Remove from seletion  will use the given strings with * as wildcard to add resp. remove items from the selection.

With the    Context  option you can show or hide the context area for the html and media wiki tab as shown above.

HTML, MediaWiki, JSP-Wiki

To create a documentation choose among the provided options and click on the button  Create ... documentation   to create the documentation in one of the available formats (HTML, MediaWiki, JSP-Wiki). 


Available in upcoming version

In the Markdown tab you can convert html files to markdown files and vice versa. To use this option you have to install Pandoc.


With the chm tab you can generate index and keyword html files as well as markdown files for a website generated out of the hhc and hhk files of the HTML Help Workshop for the creation of chm manual as described in the video .