Database - Project related tables

Information concerning the projects and related tables are stored in the tables shown in the diagram below.




Table CollectionProject

The projects which the collection specimen were placed in

Column Data type Description
CollectionSpecimenID int ID of the CollectionSpecimen (= Foreign key and part of primary key)
ProjectID int ID of the project to which the specimen belongs (Projects are defined in DiversityProjects)
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was created
Default value: getdate()
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data set
Default value: user_name()
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated last
Default value: getdate()
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set last
Default value: user_name()
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -
Default value: newsequentialid()

Table ProjectAnalysis

The types of the analysis that are available for a project

Column Data type Description
AnalysisID int ID of the analysis (Primary key)
ProjectID int ID of the project to which the specimen belongs (Projects are defined in DiversityProjects)
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was created
Default value: getdate()
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data set
Default value: user_name()
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated last
Default value: getdate()
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set last
Default value: user_name()
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -
Default value: newsequentialid()

Table ProjectProcessing

The types of processing available within a project

Column Data type Description
ProcessingID int ID of the processing (Primary key)
ProjectID int ID of the project to which the specimen belongs (Projects are defined in DiversityProjects)
LogCreatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was created
Default value: getdate()
LogCreatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the creator of this data set
Default value: user_name()
LogUpdatedWhen datetime Point in time when this data set was updated last
Default value: getdate()
LogUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) Name of the person to update this data set last
Default value: user_name()
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -
Default value: newsequentialid()

Table ProjectProxy

The projects as stored in the module DiversityProjects

Column Data type Description
ProjectID int ID of the project to which the specimen belongs (Projects are defined in DiversityProjects)
Project nvarchar (50) Name or title of the project as shown in a user interface (Projects are defined in DiversityProjects)
ImageDescriptionTemplate xml (MAX) Template for the description of images
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -
Default value: newsequentialid()

Table ProjectUser

The projects a user can access

Column Data type Description
LoginName nvarchar (50) Login name of the user to access DivesityWorkbench, Microsoft domains, etc..
ProjectID int ID of the project to which the specimen belongs (Projects are defined in DiversityProjects)
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -
Default value: newsequentialid()

Table UserProxy

The user as stored in the module DiversityUsers

Column Data type Description
LoginName nvarchar (50) Login name of the user to access DivesityWorkbench, Microsoft domains, etc..
CombinedNameCache nvarchar (255) Short name of the user, e.g. P. Smith
Default value: NULL
UserURI varchar (255) URI of the user in a remote module, e.g. refering to UserInfo.UserID in database DiversityUsers
AgentURI varchar (255) AgentURI - UserProxy
Queries xml (MAX) Queries created by the user
RowGUID uniqueidentifier -
Default value: newsequentialid()