Infrastructure within the cache database

For the administration of the data that are published via the cache database, certain tables as shown below are used. These are either placed in the schema dbo or a schema named according to the published project, e.g. Project_Test for a project with the name Test. 

Central tables

There are a number of tables placed in the schema dbo that are accessible by all projects. 

Project tables

The central project tables contain the information about the projects that are published together with the target (Postgres) databases and the packages including optional add-ons into which they had been transferred. This information is used to ensure a recovery in case of a loss of the targets.



Source tables

To access sources from other modules (e.g. DiversityAgents) there are tables for the storage of the principal access to the modules and a number of tables containing the data (depending on the module).

Access tables

These tables contain the principal access like the name of the view defined to access the data. The example below lists the tables defined for the module DiversityAgents, but there are corresponding tables for every module accessed by the cache database. 

Data tables

These tables contain the data provided by the module and therefore depend on the module. The example below lists the tables defined for the module DiversityAgents, but there are corresponding tables for every module accessed by the cache database. 

To access the data in the module there are views generated by the client. The name of these views are composed according to the name of the database, the server and the project to ensure a unique name. These are stored in the table AgentSource and are used by the client for a transfer of the data from the module database into the tables in the cache database. The example below lists the views for the module DiversityAgents. 

Project tables

These tables contain the data of the projects with every project having its own schema. These tables correspond to the tables in the main database of the module with certain limitations (no logging columns, internal notes etc.)

Project procedures for the data transfer into the project tables

For every project table there is a procedure that transfers the data from the main database into the cache table. The names of these procedures are procPublish + the name of the table in the main database e.g. procPublishAnalysis for the transfer from the table Analysis into the table CacheAnalysis.


List of tables mentioned above

Table ProjectPublished

The projects published via the cache database (Details about the projects are defined in DiversityProjects)

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
ProjectID int ID of the project to which the specimen belongs (Projects are defined in DiversityProjects) NO -
Project nvarchar (50) The name or title of the project as shown in a user interface (Projects are defined in DiversityProjects) YES -
CoordinatePrecision tinyint Optional reduction of the precision of the coordinates within the project YES -
ProjectURI varchar (255) The URI of the project, e.g. as provided by the module DiversityProjects. YES -
LastUpdatedWhen datetime The date of the last update of the project data YES -
LastUpdatedBy nvarchar (50) The user reponsible for the last update. YES -
TransferProtocol nvarchar (MAX) The protocol created during the transfer of the data YES -
IncludeInTransfer bit If the project should be included in a schedule based data transfer YES -
CompareLogDate bit If the log dates of the transferred data should be compared to decide if data are transferred
Default value: (0)
TransferDays varchar (7) The days the transfer should be done, coded as integer values with Sunday = 0 up to Saturday = 6
Default value: '0'
TransferTime time The time when the transfer should be executed
Default value: '00:00:00.00'
TransferIsExecutedBy nvarchar (500) If any transfer of the data is active YES -
TransferErrors nvarchar (MAX) Errors that occurred during the data transfers YES -
LastCheckedWhen datetime The date and time when the last check for the need of an update of the content occurred YES -

Table ProjectTarget

The targets of the projects, i.e. the Postgres databases

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
ProjectID int ID of the project to which the specimen belongs (Projects are defined in DiversityProjects) NO Refers to table ProjectPublished
LastUpdatedWhen datetime The date of the last update of the project data YES -
TransferProtocol nvarchar (MAX) The protocol created during the transfer of the data YES -
IncludeInTransfer bit If the project should be included in a schedule based data transfer
Default value: (1)
CompareLogDate bit If the log dates of the transferred data should be compared to decide if data are transferred
Default value: (0)
TransferDays varchar (7) The days the transfer should be done, coded as integer values with Sunday = 0 up to Saturday = 6
Default value: (0)
TransferTime time The time when the transfer should be executed
Default value: '00:00:00.00'
TransferIsExecutedBy nvarchar (500) If any transfer of the data is active YES -
TransferErrors nvarchar (MAX) Errors that occurred during the data transfers YES -
TargetID int The ID of the server, relates to table Target NO Refers to table Target
LastCheckedWhen datetime The date and time when the last check for the need of an update of the content occurred YES -

Table ProjectTargetPackage

Packages for projects as documented in the table Package in the Postgres database

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
ProjectID int Refers to ProjectID in table ProjectTarget NO Refers to table ProjectTarget
TargetID int Referes to TargetID in table ProjectTarget NO Refers to table ProjectTarget
Package nvarchar (50) Package installed for this project target NO -

Table ProjectTransfer

The transfers of data of a project

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
ProjectID int ID of the project, part of PK NO Refers to table ProjectPublished
TransferDate datetime Date of the transfer. Part of PK
Default value: getdate()
NO -
ResponsibleUserID int The ID of the user as stored in table UserProxy of the source database, responsible for the transfer
Default value: (-1)
TargetID int If the transfer regards a postgres database, the ID of the target (= Postgres database) as stored in table Target YES Refers to table Target
Package nvarchar (50) If the transfer regards a package, the name of the package, otherwise empty YES -
Settings nvarchar (MAX) The versions, number of transfered data etc. of the objects concerned by the transfer [format: JSON] YES -

Table Target

The postgres databases as targets for the data

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
TargetID int ID of the target on a postgres server, PK NO -
Server nvarchar (255) Name or IP of the Server NO -
Port smallint Port for accessing the server NO -
DatabaseName nvarchar (255) The name of the database NO -

Table AgentSource

The sources for the data from a module database accessed via a view defined in the cache database

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
SourceView nvarchar (200) the name of the view retrieving the data from the database NO -
Source nvarchar (500) The name of the source, e.g. the name of the project as defined in the source module YES -
SourceID int The ID of the source, e.g. the ID of the project as defined in the source module YES -
LinkedServerName nvarchar (500) If the source is located on a linked server, the name of the linked server YES -
DatabaseName nvarchar (50) The name of the database where the data are taken from YES -
Subsets nvarchar (500) Subsets of a source: The names of the tables included in the transfer separted by "|" YES -
TransferProtocol nvarchar (MAX) The protocol created during the transfer of the data YES -
IncludeInTransfer bit If the source should be included in a schedule based data transfer YES -
LastUpdatedWhen datetime The date of the last update of the data YES -
CompareLogDate bit If the log dates of the transferred data should be compared to decide if data are transferred
Default value: (0)
TransferDays varchar (7) The days the transfer should be done, coded as integer values with Sunday = 0 up to Saturday = 6
Default value: '0'
TransferTime time The time when the transfer should be executed
Default value: '00:00:00.00'
TransferIsExecutedBy nvarchar (500) If any transfer of the data is active YES -
TransferErrors nvarchar (MAX) Errors that occurred during the data transfers YES -
LastCheckedWhen datetime The date and time when the last check for the need of an update of the content occurred YES -

Table AgentSourceTarget

The targets of the projects, i.e. the Postgres databases

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
SourceView nvarchar (200) SourceView as defined in table AgentSource NO Refers to table AgentSource
Target nvarchar (200) The targets of the projects, i.e. the Postgres databases where the data should be transferred to NO -
LastUpdatedWhen datetime The date of the last update of the project data YES -
TransferProtocol nvarchar (MAX) The protocol created during the transfer of the data YES -
IncludeInTransfer bit If the project should be included in a schedule based data transfer
Default value: (1)
CompareLogDate bit If the log dates of the transferred data should be compared to decide if data are transferred
Default value: (0)
TransferDays varchar (7) The days the transfer should be done, coded as integer values with Sunday = 0 up to Saturday = 6
Default value: (0)
TransferTime time The time when the transfer should be executed
Default value: '00:00:00.00'
TransferIsExecutedBy nvarchar (500) If any transfer of the data is active YES -
TransferErrors nvarchar (MAX) Errors that occurred during the data transfers YES -
LastCheckedWhen datetime The date and time when the last check for the need of an update of the content occurred YES -

Table Agent

The main table with the data of the agent

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
BaseURL varchar (500) The basic URL as defined in the module database NO -
AgentID int Unique ID for the Agent (= Primary key) NO -
AgentURI varchar (255) The link to the dataset, i. e. the BaseURL + the AgentID YES -
AgentParentID int The AgentID of the superior agent if agents are organized within a hierarchy YES -
AgentName nvarchar (200) The whole name of the agent as shown e.g. for selection in an user interface. For persons this entry will be generated as follows: LastName, FirstNames, AgentTitle NO -
AgentTitle nvarchar (50) The title of the agent, e.g. Dr., Prof. YES -
GivenName nvarchar (255) The first names of the agent (if a person) or the name of e.g. an institution YES -
GivenNamePostfix nvarchar (50) Variable part of name, correctly placed at end of given names YES -
InheritedNamePrefix nvarchar (50) Variable part of name, correctly placed at the beginning of the inherited names YES -
InheritedName nvarchar (255) The last names of the agent (if a person) YES -
InheritedNamePostfix nvarchar (50) Additions after inherited name, like generation (Jr., III.) or names of religious orders YES -
Abbreviation nvarchar (50) Abbreviation of the agent YES -
AgentType nvarchar (50) The type of the agent, e.g. person, company YES -
AgentRole nvarchar (255) The role of an agent esp. a person within an organization. e.g. "Database Administrator" or "Curator" YES -
AgentGender nvarchar (50) The gender resp. sex of the agent YES -
Description nvarchar (1000) A description of the agent YES -
OriginalSpelling nvarchar (200) Name as originally written in e.g. chinese or cyrillic letters YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes about the agent YES -
ValidFromDate datetime The date of the begin of the exsistence of the agent, e.g. the birthday of a person or the founding of an institution, calculated from ValidFromDay, - Month and -Year YES -
ValidUntilDate datetime The date of the end of the exsistence of the agent, e.g. death of a person or closing of an institute, calculated from ValidUntilDay, - Month and -Year YES -
SynonymToAgentID int The AgentID of the agent which was selected as a replacement for the current agent, e.g. if to equal datasets were imported from different sources YES -
ProjectID int The ID of the project in the module database containing the data NO -
LogInsertedWhen smalldatetime Date and time when record was first entered (typed or imported) into this system.
Default value: getdate()
SourceView nvarchar (200) The name of the source view of the data NO -

Table AgentContactInformation

The contact information resp. addresses of the agents

Column Data type Description Nullable Relation
AgentID int Refers to the ID of Agent (= Foreign key and part of primary key) NO -
DisplayOrder tinyint Display order of records in user interface. DisplayOrder 1 corresponds to the preferred address (= part of primary key) NO -
AddressType nvarchar (50) Type of the adress, e.g. private YES -
Country nvarchar (255) Country of the address YES -
City nvarchar (255) City of the address YES -
PostalCode nvarchar (50) ZIP or postcode of the address (usually output before or after the city) YES -
Streetaddress nvarchar (255) Usually street name and number, but may also contain post office box YES -
Address nvarchar (255) Free text postal address of the agent YES -
Telephone nvarchar (50) Phone number, including area code YES -
CellularPhone nvarchar (50) The number of a mobile telephone device of the agent YES -
Telefax nvarchar (50) Fax number, including area code YES -
Email nvarchar (255) E-mail address of the agent YES -
URI nvarchar (255) URI pointing to a homepage containing further information YES -
Notes nvarchar (MAX) Notes about this address YES -
ValidFrom datetime The date when this address became valid as date according to ISO 8601 YES -
ValidUntil datetime The date of the expiration of the validity of this address as date according to ISO 8601 YES -
SourceView nvarchar (200) The name of the source view of the data NO -

View Agents_BSMcollectors

Column Data type
BaseURL varchar (255)
AgentID int
AgentParentID int
AgentName nvarchar (200)
AgentTitle nvarchar (50)
GivenName nvarchar (255)
GivenNamePostfix nvarchar (50)
InheritedNamePrefix nvarchar (50)
InheritedName nvarchar (255)
InheritedNamePostfix nvarchar (50)
Abbreviation nvarchar (50)
AgentType nvarchar (50)
AgentRole nvarchar (255)
AgentGender nvarchar (50)
Description nvarchar (1000)
OriginalSpelling nvarchar (200)
Notes nvarchar (MAX)
ValidFromDate datetime
ValidUntilDate datetime
SynonymToAgentID int
ProjectID int
LogUpdatedWhen smalldatetime

View Agents_BSMcollectors_C

Column Data type
AgentID int
DisplayOrder tinyint
AddressType nvarchar (50)
Country nvarchar (255)
City nvarchar (255)
PostalCode nvarchar (50)
Streetaddress nvarchar (255)
Address nvarchar (255)
Telephone nvarchar (50)
CellularPhone nvarchar (50)
Telefax nvarchar (50)
Email nvarchar (255)
URI nvarchar (255)
Notes nvarchar (MAX)
ValidFrom datetime
ValidUntil datetime
LogUpdatedWhen smalldatetime

Table CacheAnalysis

Column Data type Nullable
AnalysisID int NO
AnalysisParentID int YES
DisplayText nvarchar (50) YES
Description nvarchar (MAX) YES
MeasurementUnit nvarchar (50) YES
Notes nvarchar (MAX) YES
AnalysisURI varchar (255) YES

Table CacheAnnotation

Column Data type Nullable
AnnotationID int NO
ReferencedAnnotationID int YES
AnnotationType nvarchar (50) NO
Title nvarchar (50) YES
Annotation nvarchar (MAX) NO
URI varchar (255) YES
ReferenceDisplayText nvarchar (500) YES
ReferenceURI varchar (255) YES
SourceDisplayText nvarchar (500) YES
SourceURI varchar (255) YES
ReferencedID int NO
ReferencedTable nvarchar (500) NO

Table CacheCollection

Column Data type Nullable
CollectionID int NO
CollectionParentID int YES
CollectionName nvarchar (255) NO
CollectionAcronym nvarchar (10) YES
AdministrativeContactName nvarchar (500) YES
AdministrativeContactAgentURI varchar (255) YES
Description nvarchar (MAX) YES
Location nvarchar (255) YES
CollectionOwner nvarchar (255) YES
DisplayOrder smallint YES

Table CacheCollectionAgent

Column Data type Nullable
CollectionSpecimenID int NO
CollectorsName nvarchar (255) NO
CollectorsSequence datetime2 YES
CollectorsNumber nvarchar (50) YES
CollectorsAgentURI nvarchar (500) YES

Table CacheCollectionEvent

Column Data type Nullable
CollectionEventID int NO
Version int NO
CollectorsEventNumber nvarchar (50) YES
CollectionDate datetime YES
CollectionDay tinyint YES
CollectionMonth tinyint YES
CollectionYear smallint YES
CollectionDateSupplement nvarchar (100) YES
CollectionTime varchar (50) YES
CollectionTimeSpan varchar (50) YES
LocalityDescription nvarchar (MAX) YES
HabitatDescription nvarchar (MAX) YES
ReferenceTitle nvarchar (255) YES
CollectingMethod nvarchar (MAX) YES
Notes nvarchar (MAX) YES
CountryCache nvarchar (50) YES
ReferenceDetails nvarchar (50) YES
LocalityVerbatim nvarchar (MAX) YES
CollectionEndDay tinyint YES
CollectionEndMonth tinyint YES
CollectionEndYear smallint YES

Table CacheCollectionEventLocalisation

Column Data type Nullable
CollectionEventID int NO
LocalisationSystemID int NO
Location1 nvarchar (255) YES
Location2 nvarchar (255) YES
LocationAccuracy nvarchar (50) YES
LocationNotes nvarchar (MAX) YES
DeterminationDate smalldatetime YES
DistanceToLocation varchar (50) YES
DirectionToLocation varchar (50) YES
ResponsibleName nvarchar (255) YES
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (255) YES
AverageAltitudeCache float YES
AverageLatitudeCache float YES
AverageLongitudeCache float YES
RecordingMethod nvarchar (500) YES
Geography nvarchar (MAX) YES

Table CacheCollectionEventProperty

Column Data type Nullable
CollectionEventID int NO
PropertyID int NO
DisplayText nvarchar (255) YES
PropertyURI varchar (255) YES
PropertyHierarchyCache nvarchar (MAX) YES
PropertyValue nvarchar (255) YES
ResponsibleName nvarchar (255) YES
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (255) YES
Notes nvarchar (MAX) YES
AverageValueCache float YES

Table CacheCollectionExternalDatasource

Column Data type Nullable
ExternalDatasourceID int NO
ExternalDatasourceName nvarchar (255) YES
ExternalDatasourceVersion nvarchar (255) YES
Rights nvarchar (500) YES
ExternalDatasourceAuthors nvarchar (200) YES
ExternalDatasourceURI nvarchar (300) YES
ExternalDatasourceInstitution nvarchar (300) YES

Table CacheCollectionSpecimen

Column Data type Nullable
CollectionSpecimenID int NO
LabelTranscriptionNotes nvarchar (255) YES
OriginalNotes nvarchar (MAX) YES
LogUpdatedWhen datetime YES
CollectionEventID int YES
AccessionNumber nvarchar (50) YES
AccessionDate datetime YES
AccessionDay tinyint YES
AccessionMonth tinyint YES
AccessionYear smallint YES
DepositorsName nvarchar (255) YES
DepositorsAccessionNumber nvarchar (50) YES
ExsiccataURI varchar (255) YES
ExsiccataAbbreviation nvarchar (255) YES
AdditionalNotes nvarchar (MAX) YES
ReferenceTitle nvarchar (255) YES
ReferenceURI varchar (255) YES
ExternalDatasourceID int YES

Table CacheCollectionSpecimenImage

Column Data type Nullable
CollectionSpecimenID int NO
URI varchar (255) NO
ResourceURI varchar (255) YES
SpecimenPartID int YES
IdentificationUnitID int YES
ImageType nvarchar (50) YES
Notes nvarchar (MAX) YES
LicenseURI varchar (500) YES
LicenseNotes nvarchar (500) YES
DisplayOrder int YES
LicenseYear nvarchar (50) YES
LicenseHolderAgentURI nvarchar (500) YES
LicenseHolder nvarchar (500) YES
LicenseType nvarchar (500) YES
CopyrightStatement nvarchar (500) YES
CreatorAgentURI varchar (255) YES
CreatorAgent nvarchar (500) YES
IPR nvarchar (500) YES
Title nvarchar (500) YES

Table CacheCollectionSpecimenPart

Column Data type Nullable
CollectionSpecimenID int NO
SpecimenPartID int NO
DerivedFromSpecimenPartID int YES
PreparationMethod nvarchar (MAX) YES
PreparationDate datetime YES
PartSublabel nvarchar (50) YES
CollectionID int NO
MaterialCategory nvarchar (50) NO
StorageLocation nvarchar (255) YES
Stock float YES
Notes nvarchar (MAX) YES
AccessionNumber nvarchar (50) YES
StorageContainer nvarchar (500) YES
StockUnit nvarchar (50) YES
ResponsibleName nvarchar (255) YES

Table CacheCollectionSpecimenProcessing

Column Data type Nullable
CollectionSpecimenID int NO
SpecimenProcessingID int NO
ProcessingDate datetime YES
ProcessingID int YES
Protocoll nvarchar (100) YES
SpecimenPartID int YES
ProcessingDuration varchar (50) YES
ResponsibleName nvarchar (255) YES
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (255) YES
Notes nvarchar (MAX) YES

Table CacheCollectionSpecimenReference

Column Data type Nullable
CollectionSpecimenID int NO
ReferenceID int NO
ReferenceTitle nvarchar (400) NO
ReferenceURI varchar (500) YES
IdentificationUnitID int YES
SpecimenPartID int YES
ReferenceDetails nvarchar (500) YES
Notes nvarchar (MAX) YES
ResponsibleName nvarchar (255) YES
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (255) YES

Table CacheCollectionSpecimenRelation

Column Data type Nullable
CollectionSpecimenID int NO
RelatedSpecimenURI varchar (255) NO
RelatedSpecimenDisplayText varchar (255) NO
RelationType nvarchar (50) YES
RelatedSpecimenCollectionID int YES
RelatedSpecimenDescription nvarchar (MAX) YES
Notes nvarchar (MAX) YES
IdentificationUnitID int YES
SpecimenPartID int YES

Table CacheExternalIdentifier

Column Data type Nullable
ID int NO
ReferencedTable nvarchar (128) NO
ReferencedID int NO
Type nvarchar (50) YES
Identifier nvarchar (500) YES
URL varchar (500) YES
Notes nvarchar (MAX) YES

Table CacheIdentification

Column Data type Nullable
CollectionSpecimenID int NO
IdentificationUnitID int NO
IdentificationSequence smallint NO
IdentificationDate datetime YES
IdentificationDay tinyint YES
IdentificationMonth tinyint YES
IdentificationYear smallint YES
IdentificationDateSupplement nvarchar (255) YES
IdentificationDateCategory nvarchar (50) YES
VernacularTerm nvarchar (255) YES
TaxonomicName nvarchar (255) YES
NameURI varchar (255) YES
IdentificationCategory nvarchar (50) YES
IdentificationQualifier nvarchar (50) YES
TypeStatus nvarchar (50) YES
TypeNotes nvarchar (MAX) YES
ReferenceTitle nvarchar (255) YES
ReferenceURI varchar (255) YES
ReferenceDetails nvarchar (50) YES
Notes nvarchar (MAX) YES
ResponsibleName nvarchar (255) YES
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (255) YES
NameID int YES
BaseURL varchar (255) YES
TermURI nvarchar (500) YES

Table CacheIdentificationUnit

Column Data type Nullable
CollectionSpecimenID int NO
IdentificationUnitID int NO
LastIdentificationCache nvarchar (255) NO
TaxonomicGroup nvarchar (50) NO
RelatedUnitID int YES
RelationType nvarchar (50) YES
ExsiccataNumber nvarchar (50) YES
DisplayOrder smallint NO
ColonisedSubstratePart nvarchar (255) YES
FamilyCache nvarchar (255) YES
OrderCache nvarchar (255) YES
LifeStage nvarchar (255) YES
Gender nvarchar (50) YES
HierarchyCache nvarchar (500) YES
UnitIdentifier nvarchar (50) YES
UnitDescription nvarchar (50) YES
Circumstances nvarchar (50) YES
Notes nvarchar (MAX) YES
NumberOfUnits smallint YES
OnlyObserved bit YES
RetrievalType nvarchar (50) YES
StableIdentifier nvarchar (500) YES

Table CacheIdentificationUnitAnalysis

Column Data type Nullable
CollectionSpecimenID int NO
IdentificationUnitID int NO
AnalysisID int NO
AnalysisNumber nvarchar (50) NO
AnalysisResult nvarchar (MAX) YES
ExternalAnalysisURI varchar (255) YES
ResponsibleName nvarchar (255) YES
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (255) YES
AnalysisDate nvarchar (50) YES
SpecimenPartID int YES
Notes nvarchar (MAX) YES

Table CacheIdentificationUnitGeoAnalysis

Column Data type Nullable
CollectionSpecimenID int NO
IdentificationUnitID int NO
AnalysisDate datetime NO
Geography nvarchar (MAX) YES
Geometry nvarchar (MAX) YES
ResponsibleName nvarchar (255) YES
ResponsibleAgentURI varchar (255) YES
Notes nvarchar (MAX) YES

Table CacheIdentificationUnitInPart

Column Data type Nullable
CollectionSpecimenID int NO
IdentificationUnitID int NO
SpecimenPartID int NO
DisplayOrder smallint NO
Description nvarchar (500) YES
StableIdentifier nvarchar (500) YES

Table CacheLocalisationSystem

Column Data type Nullable
LocalisationSystemID int NO
DisplayText nvarchar (500) YES
Sequence int NO
ParsingMethodName nvarchar (50) YES

Table CacheMetadata

Column Data type Nullable
ProjectID int NO
ProjectTitleCode nvarchar (254) YES
TaxonomicGroup nvarchar (254) YES
DatasetGUID nvarchar (254) YES
TechnicalContactName nvarchar (254) YES
TechnicalContactEmail nvarchar (254) YES
TechnicalContactPhone nvarchar (254) YES
TechnicalContactAddress nvarchar (254) YES
ContentContactName nvarchar (254) YES
ContentContactEmail nvarchar (254) YES
ContentContactPhone nvarchar (254) YES
ContentContactAddress nvarchar (254) YES
OtherProviderUDDI nvarchar (254) YES
DatasetTitle nvarchar (254) YES
DatasetDetails nvarchar (254) YES
DatasetCoverage nvarchar (254) YES
DatasetURI nvarchar (254) YES
DatasetIconURI nvarchar (254) YES
DatasetVersionMajor nvarchar (254) YES
DatasetCreators nvarchar (254) YES
DatasetContributors nvarchar (254) YES
DateCreated nvarchar (254) YES
DateModified nvarchar (254) YES
SourceID nvarchar (254) YES
SourceInstitutionID nvarchar (254) YES
OwnerOrganizationName nvarchar (254) YES
OwnerOrganizationAbbrev nvarchar (254) YES
OwnerContactPerson nvarchar (254) YES
OwnerContactRole nvarchar (254) YES
OwnerAddress nvarchar (254) YES
OwnerTelephone nvarchar (254) YES
OwnerEmail nvarchar (254) YES
OwnerURI nvarchar (254) YES
OwnerLogoURI nvarchar (254) YES
IPRText nvarchar (254) YES
IPRDetails nvarchar (254) YES
IPRURI nvarchar (254) YES
CopyrightText nvarchar (500) YES
CopyrightDetails nvarchar (254) YES
CopyrightURI nvarchar (254) YES
TermsOfUseText nvarchar (254) YES
TermsOfUseDetails nvarchar (254) YES
TermsOfUseURI nvarchar (254) YES
DisclaimersText nvarchar (254) YES
DisclaimersDetails nvarchar (254) YES
DisclaimersURI nvarchar (254) YES
LicenseText nvarchar (254) YES
LicensesDetails nvarchar (254) YES
LicenseURI nvarchar (254) YES
AcknowledgementsText nvarchar (254) YES
AcknowledgementsDetails nvarchar (254) YES
AcknowledgementsURI nvarchar (254) YES
CitationsText nvarchar (254) YES
CitationsDetails nvarchar (254) YES
CitationsURI nvarchar (254) YES
RecordBasis nvarchar (254) YES
KindOfUnit nvarchar (254) YES
HigherTaxonRank nvarchar (254) YES
RecordURI nvarchar (500) YES
BaseURL varchar (255) YES
StableIdentifier nvarchar (500) YES
ProjectTitle nvarchar (400) YES

Table CacheProcessing

Column Data type Nullable
ProcessingID int NO
ProcessingParentID int YES
DisplayText nvarchar (50) YES
Description nvarchar (MAX) YES
Notes nvarchar (MAX) YES
ProcessingURI varchar (255) YES
OnlyHierarchy bit YES

Table CacheProjectAgent

Column Data type Nullable
ProjectID int NO
AgentName nvarchar (255) NO
AgentURI varchar (255) NO
AgentRole nvarchar (50) YES
AgentType nvarchar (50) YES
Notes nvarchar (MAX) YES
AgentSequence int YES

Table CacheProjectAgentRole

Column Data type Nullable
ProjectID int NO
AgentName nvarchar (255) NO
AgentURI varchar (255) NO
AgentRole nvarchar (50) NO

Table CacheProjectReference

Column Data type Nullable
ProjectID int NO
ReferenceTitle nvarchar (255) NO
ReferenceURI varchar (255) YES
ReferenceDetails nvarchar (50) YES
ReferenceType nvarchar (255) YES
Notes nvarchar (MAX) YES
URI nvarchar (500) YES

Table ProjectAnalysis

Column Data type Nullable
AnalysisID int NO

Table ProjectMaterialCategory

Column Data type Nullable
MaterialCategory nvarchar (50) NO

Table ProjectTaxonomicGroup

Column Data type Nullable
TaxonomicGroup nvarchar (50) NO